We present a series of images where tattooists have perfected his technique to such a degree that make optical effects that you will not believe.

1. Spiderman under the skin

Spiderman tattoo on chest

2. A monarch butterfly 3D

a monarch butterfly tattoo-like

3. An incredible snake comes out of the arm.

 An incredible snake comes out of the arm.

4. Star effect "crackle" in the skin.

Star effect "crackle" in the skin.

5.  Character from the 50s about to jump off the cliff.

Characters from the 50s about to jump off the cliff.

tattoo with a depth effect with ornaments in the leg.

Effect tattoo bear an imprint depth.

tattoos freckled girl with huge eyes

Map Tattoo on back

Tattoo with a hard head brick effect

Guitar Tattoo embedded in the arm.

Tattoo gulls and blue sky at sea.

Tattoo gulls and blue sky at sea.

Shoulder Tattoo with some armor.

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